Club News

March Pistol Match

Saturday, March 5th will be the Pistol match for MCFGC. Please use the link below to pre-register for the match (pay at registration) so we have an idea of how many people will be attending. This also makes registration go a lot faster the morning of the shoot. More information can be found in the attachment.

Thank you,
Whitney Adams
MCFGC Secretary/Treasurer

POSTPONED – New Member Sign-up

Due to the extreme weather, new member sign-up planned for Saturday has been postponed one week to 2/12/22. See below for some details about the event.

Start time is 10am at the clubhouse. New memberships are offered on a first come-first served basis. There is no reservation or waiting list.

Plan on being at the clubhouse for about an hour to 1-1/2 hours. Membership dues this year are $100 and $50 for disabled veterans (We will need a copy of your disability letter or form showing your status). A few housekeeping items for sign-up day:

  • We used a ticket system last year and it worked out wonderfully. Upon arrival you will be given a ticket stub with a number on it. This ticket will be used to keep everyone in order of arrival.
  • We do not know how many spots will be available this year, so please don’t ask. We will have a number the morning of sign-ups but it is quite difficult for us to answer calls, messages, and emails during signups. Again, this is why it is a first come-first served basis.
  • If inclement weather is an issue again this year, we will assess the situation at that time and make a Facebook post as soon as possible.
  • Please also remember when you line up at the gate, that other vehicles need to come up the hill, so please make sure there is room for the volunteers working the sign-ups to make it up.
  • Let’s do our best to practice social distancing as much as possible.
  • If you have any questions about the new sign-ups, please email them to

CANCELLED – January Pistol Match on 1/29

CANCELLED due to inclement weather! Next pistol match is scheduled for Saturday, 3/5/22.

Just a reminder that our January Pistol match will be on Saturday, January 29th. There will not be a match on 2/5 due to new member sign-ups. Please use the link below to register for the match, pay at the match. Further details are attached.

Further details are attached:

2022 ABRA Match Dates

2022 Auto Bench Rest Association (ABRA) match dates have been added to the club calendar:

  • April 16 (Saturday), 4:00 pm, 4 targets (April 17 is Easter)
  • May 15 (Sunday), 4:00 pm, 4 targets
  • June 19 (Sunday), 4:00 pm, 4 targets
  • July 17 (Sunday), 4:00 pm, 4 targets
  • August 21 (Sunday), 4:00 pm, 4 targets
  • September 18 (Sunday), 4:00 pm, 4 targets
  • October 16 (Sunday), 2:00 pm, 6 targets (Club Tourney)

These matches are open to the public. Contact Joe Jarrell at (859) 361-0509 for questions.

Rescheduled Friday Night Trap Shoot

Due to weather and road conditions, the Friday Night Trap Shoot scheduled for tonight (1/7/22) has been rescheduled for next week on Friday, 1/14/22.

Starts at 6pm for the matches, and the practice Trap will also be set up. The matches will be as follows:

5 Bird Regular Matches
3 n Out (Winner Take All)
Long Shot
25 or 50 Bird (Depending on how many sign up)

If you have any questions please contact Paul Baxter or Ted Bilbrey.

CANCELLED – Friday Night Trap Shoot

CANCELLED for 1/7/22, due to weather and road conditions. The event has been rescheduled for the following Friday on 1/14/22!

We will be running one Friday night a month for Trap Shoot. This Friday, January 7th starting at 6pm for the matches. The practice Trap will also be set up. The matches will be as follows:

5 Bird Regular Matches
3 n Out (Winner Take All)
Long Shot
25 or 50 Bird (Depending on how many sign up)

If you have any questions please contact Paul Baxter or Ted Bilbrey.

Thank you,
Whitney Adams
MCFGC Secretary/Treasurer

Pistol Match Updates!

It looks as if the weather is not going to cooperate with us for this Saturday’s match. With the expected rain and storms, we have decided to cancel this Saturday’s match on January 1st. 

We will not be hosting a February match due to New Membership sign ups that day. We will be moving that match to Saturday, January 29th.

  • Saturday, January 1st- Pistol Match Canceled
  • Saturday, January 29th- February’s Pistol Match moved to this day
  • Saturday, February 5th- Pistol Match Canceled

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Thank you,
Whitney Adams
MCFGC Secretary/Treasurer

January Pistol Match

Our January Pistol Match will be on Saturday, January 1, 2022!!!

Please remember to pre-register on Practiscore using the link below. This makes it much easier when registering and paying for the match. This also helps ensure that you have a spot.

***If you are not present for the safety briefing, you cannot shoot the match***

Attached are more details for the match and also the bonus 5th stage. This time around we have two(2) bonus stages to bring in the New Year. Please read the details so you will know how much ammo to bring for the regular match and bonus stages and also the layout of the bonus stages.

Any questions, please let us know.

Thank you,
Whitney Adams
MCFGC Secretary/Treasurer