Category: Rifle
MCFGC July ABRA Match 7/27
The July ABRA Match will be Saturday, July 27th starting at 7pm and under the lights. This match is for semi-auto and bolt action .22’s.
Cost is $20 for adults($5.00 per target) and youth shoot free. (Youth are designated as shooters who are ages 7 to 16 and shooters under 12 need an adult to accompany them while shooting)
This match is shot from a concrete bench while seated at 50 yards.
These rifle matches are for .22 LR, with four(4) different classes to register in.
Factory Semi Auto– Any factory .22 semi-auto rifle with any scope shot off a bi-pod or front bag and rear bag. Must be a factory barrel with factory markings and factory stock.
Custom or unlimited Semi Auto– Any scope or barrel diameter and any stock and one piece rest allowed. Any modifications to the action and custom barrels allowed.
Light barrel bolt action guns– Any bolt action .22, with any scope and modification and one piece or 2 piece rest or bipod and bag allowed. (Barrel tuners not allowed)
Heavy barrel bolt action guns– Any bolt action .22, with any scope and modification and one piece or 2 piece rest or bipod and bag allowed. (Barrel tuner allowed)
Thank you,
Whitney Adams
MCFGC Secretary/Treasurer
22LR Sucker Match 7/19
MCFGC July .22 LR Sucker Match
Results for the Sucker match on June 14, 2024
Factory Class:
Round one: three shooters got all 10 and went to the next round
Ann Tucker
Mike Shields
Joe Jarrell
Round two
Ann Tucker 10/10
Mike Shields 10/10
Joe Jarrell 9/10
Round three
Ann Tucker 10/10 first place
Mike Shields 9/10 second place
Not enough guns entered for custom category.
On Friday, July 19th at 6:30 pm the club will hold a .22 L.R. sucker match with 2 classes ….factory and custom.
FACTORY rifles. Any 22 rifle which is basically unmodified and with a MSRP of under $1000.00. Excluded will be custom barrels and stocks, but any trigger or replacement and any optic allowed. Also excluded from factory class are the 40-x, Vudoo, Kimber, Cooper or semi custom rifles. Use any ammunition that your rifle likes. Shooters can look to the American Rimfire Association rulebook on-line for the Factory definition.
Factory will be shot at 50 yards and sandbags or bipod should be used. No one piece rests.
Custom rifles. Any custom built 22lr rifle or any rifle excluded from factory rifle. This class will be shot at 100 yards.
Each shooter will be given a paper target to sight-in before each match and a shooter can shoot both classes if the shooter chooses. Blow-Pop and Dum-Dum suckers will be the match targets.
There will be a $10.00 fee for each rifle shot with $5.00 going to the club and the rest will be payout to the shooters.
Youth shooters are welcome but must be accompanied by a supervising adult.
These matches are a lot of fun and hope to see you there.
Any questions, please contact:
Joe Jarrell 859 361-0509
Thank you,
Whitney Adams
MCFGC Secretary/Treasurer
ABRA Match on 6/22/24
ABRA Match on 6/22/24
The June ABRA Match will be Saturday, June 22nd starting at 1pm. This match is for semi-auto and bolt action .22’s.
Cost is $20 for adults($5.00 per target) and youth shoot free. (Youth are designated as shooters who are ages 7 to 16 and shooters under 12 need an adult to accompany them while shooting)
This match is shot from a concrete bench while seated at 50 yards.
These rifle matches are for .22 LR, with four(4) different classes to register in.
Factory Semi Auto– Any factory .22 semi-auto rifle with any scope shot off a bi-pod or front bag and rear bag. Must be a factory barrel with factory markings and factory stock.
Custom or unlimited Semi Auto– Any scope or barrel diameter and any stock and one piece rest allowed. Any modifications to the action and custom barrels allowed.
Light barrel bolt action guns– Any bolt action .22, with any scope and modification and one piece or 2 piece rest or bipod and bag allowed. (Barrel tuners not allowed)
Heavy barrel bolt action guns– Any bolt action .22, with any scope and modification and one piece or 2 piece rest or bipod and bag allowed. (Barrel tuner allowed)
Any questions, please contact: Joe Jarrell 859 361-0509
22 LR Sucker Match on 6/14/24
2024 ABRA Match Dates and Times
ABRA matches at Montgomery County Fish and Game Club are scheduled for the following dates (also posted on our calendar):
Rifle Range Closed Sunday 9/17
Our long rifle range will be closed Sunday, 9/17 after 1pm. We have a gentleman coming to finish clearing up the brush on the hillside. Long rifle range will be back open Monday.
Thank you,
Whitney Adams
MCFGC Secretary/Treasurer
MCFGC 22 LR Sucker Match
Tuesday 8-15-23 @ 6:30 pm.
Get that 22 out of the closet and come out to shoot suckers at 50 and 100 yards. 2 classes so that everybody can participate. $ 10.00 per match with 50% payback and kids with parents under 16 years shoot free.
Factory: any factory built 22 with a mfsrp of $1000.00 or less. No semi customs such as Cooper, Kimber or Anschutz. Must have a magazine or fill tube. Shot at fifty yards. Decision on factory legality up to match organizers.
Custom: custom built 22’s or benchrest style. 100 yards
ALL RIFLES: All rifles must use front and rear bags or front bipod. No one piece rests. ANY optics either class. Will shoot Dum-Dums and Blo Pops. Shooters will be provided a paper target for sight-in first. Hearing and eye protection required. NRA range safety regs will be followed. Come out and enjoy a little shooting with your friends.
Thank you,
Whitney Adams
MCFGC Secretary/Treasurer