Membership Renewal

Current Members:  It is that time of year again. If you would like to rejoin the club, you can renew now by mailing the application to:  MCFGC, PO Box 1644, Mt Sterling, KY 40353.

The application form was emailed to current members on 12/4/2017.  Please return the completed application by 2/1/2018, when we start taking applications for new members.  If you have a friend that wants to join, it’s OK to provide an application but please tell him or her not to send it in until 2/1/2018, or it will be returned.  Charles will be at the clubhouse on Feb 1st taking applications that day starting at 12 noon. We will take applications until we reach our maximum of 225 members.

Pistol Match Results Oct 2017 – Club Championship and Award Photos

Congratulations to the winners of the Pistol Match Club Championship conducted on Saturday, 10/7/2017.  See match results:  Pistol Match Results October 2017.

Below are photos of the winners as well as benefactors recognized for their contributions to the pistol matches.  Awards were presented by Match Director Mike Shields prior to the match on 11/4/2017.